
If you are here, you must have an internet connection (I'm good, aren't I?). The web is full of places to play .

The Internet Arcade

Ever long for one of those long gone video games? You might (some of them don’t work with modern operating systems, so you would need a VM — and I’m not going to go there — to play) be able to re-experience some games of your youth at the best website on earth.

Bend Your Brain

If you like puzzle books and magazines (crosswords, soduko, word search, etc), Lovatts may be the site for you (it’s free). Do keep in mind that it is an Australian site before you spend too much time wonder why flavor and recognize aren’t considered valid words (use flavour and recognise instead). Keep your melon active.

The Logical Choice

I love logic puzzles. I lack common sense, but I’ve got some mad useless skills. The Puzzle Baron (also free) has all kinds of options.

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