COVID Card #38

June 12, 2020 | 0 comments

Card 38. I don’t think I’ve drawn/doodled/played “artist” this consistently since ever. Thanks for being here with me.

The story behind this card amuses me quite a bit, so I’m going to paste it verbatim from today’s source (more on that below):

“The Postmaster had to keep the Post Office open during normal business hours and, if mail was delivered on a Sunday, for one hour after the arrival of mail. If a church service was going on, the Postmaster had to wait until it concluded, and then open the office for an hour. This decision dated back to the 19th-century controversies over the drivers of mail wagons blowing on a horn or a trumpet as the wagon came into town. Some ministers complained that the men would rise up, leave the church, and head for the Post Office, where they would visit with each other and even play cards.”

My source for this is a USPS History publication. You can see it here. I encourage you to read it, but at 149 pages, it is a bit lengthy. So, feel free to follow the annotated version by way of COVID Cards. If you do read it, please try to not share your ideas for cards with me. Your ideas are probably really, really cool. The problem is me, not you. I have never been good at turning other people’s ideas into my visions and I’ll just feel bad for not indulging you (of course, I don’t mind feeling bad and I am responsible for my own feelings, so, really, you do you — I’m just trying to manage expectations). My former photography teacher used to come up to me on field trips and say things like, “There’s a shot right there.” I could never see it. NEVER. But, I wanted to be a good student and respectful, so I tried. And I failed. Every time. So, no offense to you — it truly is me. If you get an idea, I suggest you try it yourself. What do you have to lose?

Cards 1-100

To learn more about any of the first 100 cards, select a number from the list below.


The United States Postal Service has been hit hard by the pandemic. Controlling elements of the Federal Government (the president and Republican Senate) do not want to provide aid to the service. So, it’s up to us. It may seem insignificant, but if we all sent just a few letters a week, we could help ensure that our daily, free mail delivery service continues. For the past (see the card number above) days, I have drawn a card each day and mailed it to someone the next day (none are sent on Sundays; two are sent on Mondays). Please consider mailing cards and letters while we still can for 55 cents (first class letter postage). If the USPS fails, you could find it costs $8 or more to send a letter. And that’s just one of the ways we will all lose if the USPS shuts down.

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