Margaret Dobson. Yet another in the seemingly endless line of women artists about whom the web can tell us little. I would have been much less surprised by this ten years ago — and much more embarrassed that the web is my primary source of research on the post office muralists as recently as last year. Dobson made one post office mural: Driving the Steers (Kaufman, Texas). Curiously, Dobson’s Wikipedia page says:
“During the Great Depression Bessemer painted a post office mural in Kaufman, Texas, entitled Driving the Steers…”
Who, you may ask, is Bessemer? I asked myself the same thing and could only reply to myself, “The steel process guy.” It is late. I am a bit sleepy. I’ve read and reread the page (it’s short) and have concluded that it must be a typo — a typo that has been reproduced on a few websites. Don’t break your brain over it. I’ll bear that burden.
Oh…the mural? Covered over. You deserved better, Mags. I bet no one called her that.