Kady Faulkner. Sigh. She studied with Hans Hofmann. I’m pretty sure I mentioned this in a previous posting, but I love a good repeater — ask my jazz musician partner. Hans Hofmann was brilliant. I photocopied his lectures about abstract expressionism and kept them in my paint box in art school. I carried them with me everywhere. Yeah. I’m that kind of a dork. Oh, and another shout out to the MONA (Museum of Nebraska Art) — I think that’s three bios in a row.
Enough about me and my buddy Hans…
Faulkner worked in a variety of painting styles and made at least one mosaic mural. Were more of her works available for online viewing, I might confidently say that just about anyone could find something of hers that resonated with them.
Faulkner made one post office mural: The End of the Line (Valentine, Nebraska).