Thanks the gods for the Museum of Nebraska Art for providing bios for the last couple of female post office muralists, including today’s artist: Eldora Lorenzini. Other states could step up a bit when it comes to recognizing the women artists of the WPA era.
Most of Lorenzini’s work that is viewable online are graphite and watercolor paintings depicting religious figures and paraphernalia. Don’t dismiss it at first glance (as I almost did) or even at second glance. Somehow, for instance, in my first two times through, I missed Death Angel and Cart. That is a sketchy theme if ever there was one. So far, there have been no do-overs in COVID cards. Maybe after I’ve made 365, I’ll make some special editions from time to time. (insert winky emoji because that’s the world we live in now)
Lorenzini created on post office mural: Stampeding Buffaloes Stopping the Train (Hebron, Nebraska).