COVID Card #154

October 6, 2020 | 0 comments

To be honest, I’m getting a little tired of writing, “this card was inspired by…” I found some more fun postal facts and information sources, but the world is really full of distractions right now. So, I took the easy road. Again. I’m not ashamed to admit it. The leader of the free world may or may not have COVID-19. He says he does. His doctors say he does. He’s telling the world that it ain’t no thing — which is a kick in the gut to everyone who’s suffered or lost someone as a result. Those families that lost several people must be queueing up to vote for the hero-in chief. They’re probably first in line for the $100 “Trump defeats COVID” coins that are available now at the White House gift shop. I do wish I was joking, but as Fox News is reporting about it…

And so…today’s COVID card was inspired by the artist, Ray Boynton (no relation to the bunnies as far as I know). He reportedly painted 13 murals for the post office in Modesto, California. Seven are said to remain at the post office six may be missing, though some sources say they were sold at an auction when the post office was being remodeled. Somebody knows the truth. I think I’ll write a letter to the president and ask him.

Cards 1-100

To learn more about any of the first 100 cards, select a number from the list below.


The United States Postal Service has been hit hard by the pandemic. Controlling elements of the Federal Government (the president and Republican Senate) do not want to provide aid to the service. So, it’s up to us. It may seem insignificant, but if we all sent just a few letters a week, we could help ensure that our daily, free mail delivery service continues. For the past (see the card number above) days, I have drawn a card each day and mailed it to someone the next day (none are sent on Sundays; two are sent on Mondays). Please consider mailing cards and letters while we still can for 55 cents (first class letter postage). If the USPS fails, you could find it costs $8 or more to send a letter. And that’s just one of the ways we will all lose if the USPS shuts down.

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