Another card, another current event. I started drawing a good, old-fashioned COVID Card with info about US postal history last night. But, alas, the news intervened again and my plans change.
Today’s card recognizes the locking of mailboxes. I don’t know how widespread the issue is at this time. I’ve seen photos from LA of locked mailboxes with signs saying nothing is to be put in the boxes. It’s curious. As I mentioned in a previous post (at least I think I did), the USPS is supposed to put signs on mailboxes 30 days before they are to be removed — to give warning. And they are only supposed to remove mailboxes that get fewer than 25 pieces of mail per day. The Postmaster General claims that only unused boxes are being permanently removed. Now that he has backed off on removal, I guess locking is the next best thing. But I have to ask…if no one puts mail in the box, why does it need to be locked?
Hindering the mail is an assault on freedom, democracy, and the constitution. Because this issue is being spun as an attempt to prevent voting (which people say hurts the left, not the right), may people on the “right” don’t seem to care. This should not be a partisan issue. The sabotaging of the USPS impacts all Americans (and not just because of elections). If it is about voter interference, everyone should be upset because a mailbox doesn’t know who you’re voting for and it won’t just be votes from the “left” that are suppressed. I won’t get started here on the number of military families serving overseas who will be disenfranchised if efforts to intentionally delay the mail continue. You may not care about my vote, but what about that of a soldier serving overseas? You still care about them, right? Right?
Luckily, Americans are creative thinkers and we’re stubborn. We will be heard.