This darling little coloring book has a few colorable pages and a lot of love. It's Valentine-themed. Color yourself up some Valentines for your sweeties -- all of them. Download the book.
Coloring Monday
Who doesn’t love to color? A lot of people, that’s who. You or someone you know probably at least likes to color or you wouldn’t be reading this. When I first created my Let’s Color page it was meant as a sort of resource for extra activities for quarantined kids. When I first learned about the Color Our Collections project, I was super stoked. Who doesn’t love the idea of museums, libraries, and archives producing coloring sheets or books? On closer inspection, I found that, while really quite cool, few of the books contain color-able pages. To save you time (and apparently waste my own), I’ve tried to feature books that have at least one colorable page. Hopefully, some pages from other sources will be added at some point. Who can tell?
Coloring Monday: UMass Amherst
Heartfelt kudos to Umass Amherst for assembling this lovely and quite colorable love-themed book. Nicely done! Download Coloring Book
Coloring Monday: KU Libraries
This isn't the most exciting or colorable coloring book ever, but it does feature a woodcut from the Canterbury Tales featuring a fiery caldron revealing a flowery scene. I've never (at least I hadn't at the time that I scheduled this post) read the Canterbury Tales....
Coloring Monday: WTF Edition
I'm writing this on June 13th, 2020, but it won't be posted until January 2021. Hopefully, by then, the pandemic and resultant quarantine will be a thing of the past. But in case it isn't, here is a lovely coloring book from the National Library of Medicine with some...
Coloring Monday: University of British Columbia
UBC has put together a fun collection of mythical creatures. The quality is a little shaky on some and the amount of fine detail makes them not really ideal for crayons, but who am I to tell you what you can and cannot do. Color away. Download Coloring Book
Coloring Monday: Rutgers University Libraries
This feminist art-themed coloring book has a couple of patterns that could inspire some creativity. Download Coloring Book
Coloring Monday: Washington State Library
There are some sort of colorable images, including a Christmas print, in this nice coloring book from the Washington State Library. Download Coloring Book Christmas 1898
Coloring Monday: WTF Edition
Thank you Science History Institute for supporting so many stereotypes about the social skills of scientists. If your Spiral Periodic Chart or your Symmetrical series table with centered steps were only of a higher quality, they would, obviously, be ideal subjects for...
Coloring Monday: Auburn University
This coloring book has a pretty cool and quite colorable image of a sketchy hot air balloon. I love it. Download Coloring Book
Coloring Monday: Not Quite WTF Worthy
The Ricker Library of Architecture and Art at the University of Illinois has put together a quite colorable book. The fact that 3 of the 9 pages include a degree of nudity almost landed it with a "WTF Edition" designation, but it's not creepy nudity. It's art. It's...
Coloring Monday: Royal Anthropological Institute
RAI really went all out on page coloring book. While I'm not really sure what a lime spatula is (don't worry, I'm heading to Google in a sec), it is pretty darned colorable. Download Coloring Book
Coloring Monday: WTF Edition
This charming book from the Waring Historical Library lands in the WTF lane because it's not really colorable (colored pencils and markers could work) and the subject matter is...odd for a children's coloring book. Don't get me wrong, I love a good anthropomorphized...